Weight Loss

The 10 keys to losing weight wisely… without dieting

Losing weight without a diet? It is possible! There’s no need to deprive yourself or to follow the principles of a restrictive and frustrating diet to the letter, you can just as easily lose weight by adopting a few daily habits. It’s all about a healthier lifestyle. So follow our advice and simply change some bad habits.

Fyron Body

How do I lose weight? What are the best tips for losing weight? And if possible without dieting? Here are 10 tips on how to lose weight without starving yourself or depriving yourself, just by changing some habits and being aware of your body’s needs.

1. When to eat to lose weight?

Respecting your biological clock is very important for your general well-being but also when you want to lose a few kilos. This simply means that you should choose the right times for your meals, according to your periods of activity during the day. This is also called chrononutrition. Don’t worry, it’s very simple: it all depends on when you wake up:

  • within an hour of waking up: eat a rather fatty breakfast.
  • within 4 to 6 hours: eat a rather dense breakfast (with proteins).
  • At least 5 hours after lunch: have a rather sweet snack (such as fruit).
  • At the end of your active day – and only if you are hungry – have a rather light dinner.

Of course, this pattern can be circumvented: for example, in the case of a very “festive” evening and a late wake-up call: you can have a big brunch between 10am and 2pm, and then possibly a light dinner.

2. Why should you take time to eat?

Even if you are the busiest person in the world, this is an order: take time to eat!

A meal eaten too quickly is not satiating. It takes 20 minutes for the stomach to feel full. So make yourself comfortable, make yourself calm around you, and try to put your fork down between each mouthful even if you have fangs!

Chew slowly, savour the food, and you will see that your digestion will be facilitated and your food intake will decrease.

3. How to snack smart without gaining weight?

“I’m hungry!” How many times a day do you repeat this phrase to yourself between meals?

Snacking is the number one enemy of your weight! Often, if your menus are full, those little sugar cravings are due to a psychological call rather than a real need for food.

If you really can’t hold back and are on the verge of devouring your colleague, play it smart with a tea or flavoured herbal tea, which may stop the hunger pangs. Don’t forget your afternoon snack either: a piece of fruit, for example, or a compote with plain yoghurt or a few almonds, which will satisfy your taste buds on the sugar side.

4. A trick to lose weight? Replace!

To lose weight easily, you first need to learn to identify the foods with the highest calories… which are not always the ones you think! For example, from a caloric and dietary point of view, prefer chicken to beef, a pizza to a carbonara pasta dish full of bacon, cereal bread rather than a white baguette… And don’t forget that there are few “enemy” foods, you have to preserve a minimum notion of pleasure, in fact, it’s all a question of quantities!

Even cold meats, as long as you don’t eat them more than twice a week and accompany them with raw vegetables rather than chips, could find their place on your plate! Of course, it’s better to choose cooked ham or bresaola…

5. How to lose weight AND enjoy yourself?

Eating should remain a pleasure, a moment of relaxation and exchange, with friends or family.

Stressing about the smallest biscuit you eat is pointless and will make you bitter (and guilty) for the rest of the day. If you do eat a lot, make up for it the next day by cutting back on your calorie intake or by going for an intensive workout. But learn not to yo-yo; your deviations should become exceptional moments.

The good news is that it is possible to eat healthily and enjoy yourself at the same time.

6. Why should you choose homemade food when you want to lose weight?

For two reasons. Firstly, because cooking yourself allows you to really control what you eat and to dose it according to your needs. But also because it allows you to “reconcile” yourself with food and no longer see it as a source of extra kilos!

Equip yourself with utensils (steamer, silicone wrappers, potato masher, blender, etc.), and dare to buy foods that you are not used to (aromatic herbs, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes, shellfish, etc.).

Your home cooking (with a light hand on the fat) is bound to be better for your figure than ready-made meals, rich in sugar and salt.

7. How to lose weight with plants?

Mother Nature has really thought of everything and offers you tips on how to lose weight! Since the dawn of time, we have been using certain plants for their various medical properties. But did you know that they can also help you lose weight? Not all of them, of course, but some of them are real weight-loss plants:

  • The bark of the bigarade (also known as bitter orange) is said to accelerate the satiety effect and to “stimulate” digestion.
  • Bladderwrack, a brown algae known for its stimulating action on the metabolism, and which encourages the body to draw on its fat reserves to cover its needs.
  • Ginkgo biloba leaves are used for many properties, but in particular for their anti-oxidant and vasodilator capacities, which makes them excellent allies against cellulite!
  • Glucomannan es una forma purificada de harina de konjac. Reduce de forma natural la sensación de hambre, también estimula la actividad intestinal y reduce las fluctuaciones de azúcar en sangre gracias a su alta densidad de fibra.
  • Fennel seeds are used for their beneficial action against digestion problems, stomach aches, bloating…
  • Cocoa powder limits the assimilation of fats and carbohydrates, improves fat metabolism and increases energy, so this ingredient is effective for both fat loss and weight loss.
  • Ascophyllum: another algae! This one would limit the lipidic assimilation at the intestinal level. In case of excess (after a festive meal for example), it can help to limit fat storage.

Estas plantas garantizas una mejor salud y favorece así la pérdida de peso.

You can find all these plants fresh or in the form of powder packaged in capsules (available in parapharmacy or organic shops), respecting the indicated doses.

8. Why is sleeping well important in the fight against weight loss?

An American scientific study has highlighted the relationship between lack of sleep and weight, or more precisely the body mass index (BMI). It seems that the less sleep we get, the higher our BMI. This can be explained by a high production of ghrelin, the appetite hormone, when we lack sleep.

Another explanation could be that the body has to draw the energy it needs during the night to maintain its temperature from its fat stores.

Be careful, if you want to lose weight without dieting, this does not mean that you have to spend all day in bed! Get up and do some sport…

9. How to lose weight effortlessly by controlling your emotions?

Here’s a simple fact: being aware of your emotions will help you lose weight without dieting. Stress, anger, fear, anxiety… all emotions are likely to push us to eat. Have you ever, after a heartbreak, a big argument, or watching a horror film, jumped on everything in your fridge?

This behaviour is normal, and impulsive, as it comes from a natural desire to compensate after a strong emotion, which is satisfied with food.

For some people, the very fear of gaining weight will generate stress… which pushes them to eat! This is a vicious circle that you need to be aware of to avoid. Be zen, learn to manage your emotions, and above all: don’t feel guilty at the slightest extra gram on your scales!

10. Why should you move when you want to lose weight?

Yes, I know that this last step was predictable, but it’s not usual: it’s impossible to lose weight without dieting and without going through the sport box.

If we’re being told so much about the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity per day, there’s a reason! Because to slim down your figure without going on a drastic diet, sport is a very good solution.
Choose the one that best targets the part of the body to be firmed up:

  • slender legs: cycling;
  • bouncy buttocks: aqua aerobics;
  • Shapely abs: fitness;
  • square shoulders: swimming.

And for those allergic to sport, find other good ways to sweat a little and lose weight without dieting: walking, shopping, active cuddling, console games that get you moving, etc., and in the summer jumping in the waves, riding a bike, playing with the kids…

Latest tips…

  • Nothing beats a balanced diet to stabilise your weight and live better in the long term. It is a question of understanding what is involved in excesses and the dangers they entail, and what is related to our physiological needs.
  • Anticipate cravings. There is no question of arriving at the evening meal without having eaten anything during the day, as this would mean opening a cupboard and throwing myself on anything. Think about having a snack.
  • Don’t set yourself unattainable objectives: rebalance your diet, enjoy what you have on your plate and no longer throw yourself voraciously on it, don’t weigh yourself every day so as not to get depressed, and above all don’t feel bad about this new challenge: a good morale remains the best ally for losing without getting into trouble!
  • Choose your best ally, a food supplement that will support all your efforts: Fyron Body Original.

Read more here about this product to lose weigth in the most efficient way: Fyron Body.