Men's Health

Are you losing your libido?

You may experience a drop in libido at certain times in your life, particularly during periods of stress or in the event of an emotional shock, such as a death, the loss of your job, or a break-up with your lover. We take stock of what can cause a drop in sexual desire, and suggest solutions to remedy it.

There is no real criterion for evaluating libido: each person is different in this respect, so the best thing is not to stress too much about it; some medications, such as antidepressants, can reduce libido.

What is a low libido?

A low libido is a decrease in sexual desire. Thinking less about sex and feeling less like having sex can cause anxiety, but rest assured that this is a fairly common problem that affects many men and women at some point in their lives. In most cases, you don’t have to worry about it.

Try the best solution we found: Fyron Men’s.

What causes a loss of libido?

Loss of interest in sex is often linked to stress, fatigue or a worry in the relationship. But sometimes it can be a sign of an underlying medical problem, such as a thyroid problem or hormonal imbalance.

Here are some of the common causes of low libido and what you can do about it.

1. Are there problems in your relationship?

Relationship problems are one of the most common causes of loss of libido. Lack of communication or routine: if you have been with your partner for a long time, the passion of the early days may have faded, which can sometimes have a negative impact on your sexual desire.

Mental health also plays an important role in maintaining desire: if you are in doubt or depressed, your libido may be weakened. A problematic relationship can therefore have an impact on your libido, because of the anxiety it causes.

What can be done? Therapy can be particularly helpful and life-saving. A mental health professional can not only help you deal with your feelings about the relationship, but also advise you on how to resolve the issues and re-establish communication. You can loof for psychosexual counselling or relationship therapy so that you and your partner can discuss the sexual and/or emotional issues that may be contributing to your low sex drive.

You can also boost your libido by doing activities that make you think about sex. The more you think about sex, the more your libido increases, and the more you will want to engage in sexual activities.

2. Do you have mental health problems?

If you do, you’re not alone: 25% of the European population suffers from depression or anxiety each year, which can affect your sex drive. One study found that over 32% of men and almost 43% of women suffering from depression reported a lack of desire, even when not taking antidepressants.

What can you do about it? First of all, try not to be too hard on yourself. Your mental health can affect all aspects of life and extra pressure to perform sexually will not help you get better. Give priority to your psychological well-being and don’t hesitate to consult a psychiatrist or psychologist: they are there to help you and listen to you.

While you wait for your sexual desire to rebuild, you can maintain other forms of intimacy with your partner, such as hugging or simply lying naked together in bed: this can be enough to maintain physical and emotional closeness until your libido returns.

You can also reduce your anxiety by exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and practising certain breathing exercises. Finally, masturbation can also help you increase your libido. In addition to the fact that it naturally makes you think about sex, studies have shown that it reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and improves sleep quality.

3. Does your medication affect your libido?

Some medications, including commonly prescribed antidepressants, can affect your libido.

Some inhibitors used to treat depression, often have the side effect of decreasing libido. Corticosteroids, blood pressure medication, especially diuretics, and antipsychotics can also have an impact on your sex drive.

What are the solutions? If you are concerned about the side effects of your treatment, it is best to talk to your doctor, who may be able to offer you an alternative if necessary.

4. Do you suffer from drug or alcohol dependence?

Excessive use of alcohol or recreational drugs over a long period of time can lead to a reduction in the level of testosterone in the body, and therefore to a decrease in libido. Men who drink too much alcohol may also have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.

What can be done? If you think you are suffering from an addiction, don’t hesitate to talk to your family and a doctor.

5. Do you have a medical problem?

About 30% of women and 20% of men will experience one or more sexual problems in their lifetime, some of which are due to a medical condition. Some of the most common conditions that affect libido include depression, thyroid problems, cancer and heart, kidney or liver failure.

What are the solutions? If you think a physical or sexual problem is affecting your sex drive, talk to your doctor.

If you suffer of one of these problems, we recommend you to try a food supplement such as Fyron Men’s that for sure will help you to restore your libido. Read more here: Fyron Men’s.